Super D.

Nov 27, 2007
So. Cal
2005 Rocket 3 Standard Black, Flyscreen
I am new to this forum, and have been posting on R3 I am sure some of the same people are on this one as well. I have been riding for about 25 years, and have owned the gambit from Dirt, Sport, and Cruiser. I fell in love with this bike, and bought the Demo after the test ride. Long story, but it was my wife's birthday, and it caused some matrimonial discord.... But she is coming around.:cool:

SuperD,I told ya over there,thats freegin beautifulllll..More picts and close ups please. We have the highest % of correct info of any Rocket site. Crazy Jack Hey where ya from,how about an address ..YukYUK
Hello and welcome Super D. Did you have a chance to compare the ride of your bike to a Rocket Classic? If so, what do you think?
Great looking bike, how about testing that horn, haven't had anyone from the other site tell me if it is different than the current one we already have.
I think it is the same. I will be putting a different one on there. I have no problem at all laying on the horn letting people know that I am there.
It Never Rains In Southern California ........

........ man it pours! Glad you came over to share info, pics and jokes. Very clean looking R3 but I'm sure there's still some "Bling" screaming to be added.
The horn on my Touring sounds like it belongs on a scooter - I candidly have not heard one on an RIII so I cannot compare..... If I absolutely had to choose the least favorite thing about the ride so far the horn would be it.....
That is what I was afraid of. It seems that with all the "research" that Triumph supposedly did that turned the Tourer into a Harley customer friendly (going to single headlight, smaller gas tank, etc...) that someone would have brought up the horn.

I love my Rocket it's fast, smooth and so far dependable...but the horn is definitely a weak spot on this bike.