The most important thing, get the front end up, tug, pull, twist, push, try every direction make sure there's no clunking etc. luckily the R3 front end is rediculously stout and if she was going slow chances are your bikes sound. Make sure you replace everything damaged or potentially damaged, my check for similar was about $4500 from insurance.
Well - She was stopped to turn right. Then decided it would be fun just to back the muther f*cker up w/o even looking back!!!!
@Claviger - @warp9.9 - Do you know what the rake specs are? or the process to measure for the rake tolerances???? I know I need to release axle nut & Triple tree bolts to re-set for side/side alignment, but not sure how to check rake specs
He was ! That was why she felt she just had to take him out .
Sorry to see this Clint , I hope she didn't try and accuse you of running in the back of her ? Glad your ok mate , that's the most important thing .
There are too many variables involved in trying to get an accurate rake measurement compared to spec;
Even something as simple as tire pressure is going to affect it, or even different tire brands, suspension preload at either end etc
what you are really interested in (in this case anyway) is whether your forks are parallel to the steering head* (or even just to the stem) and the rake angle itself is irrelevant.
*Only takes account of deviation of the forks/stem, not regarding the frame
But unlikely for just a 'tap' that you have any frame damage - if you were concerned about that you would need to take it to a frame specialist for measurement, nothing you can do at home.
There are too many variables involved in trying to get an accurate rake measurement compared to spec;
Even something as simple as tire pressure is going to affect it, or even different tire brands, suspension preload at either end etc
what you are really interested in (in this case anyway) is whether your forks are parallel to the steering head* (or even just to the stem) and the rake angle itself is irrelevant.
*Only takes account of deviation of the forks/stem, not regarding the frame
But unlikely for just a 'tap' that you have any frame damage - if you were concerned about that you would need to take it to a frame specialist for measurement, nothing you can do at home.
That makes sense! - think I can check angles with some of the frame tools here at the body shop
And even though it doesn't look like major damage by looking at my fender, she did hit me hard enough that her rear bumper took a "climb up my frt tire. I believe the tire took the brunt of the lick, which is my cause for fork concern, they don't look bent to the eye though - definitely not concerned that there is frame damage, as I let off the brakes & she pushed me backwards I couldn't find that farkin horn button with both hands..... or feet