Want to Buy Need Roadster Final Drive


"And this one is just right" ~ Goldilocks
Aug 13, 2017
Old Fort, NC 28762 USA
2020 3R
Looking for a final drive for this 2011 Roadster (T1275000). Hoping one of you captains has a line on a used one in god condition.

This is me (left) and Cullen, the new owner of my Roadster. We're putting in a new clutch here at my place. I promised to show how to lube the splines on the drive shaft and wouldn't you know there is gear oil in the swing arm = bad seal in the final drive. They say lighting doesn't strike twice, but this has happened to me once before.

Anyway, I need to make this right for him, since he just bought it from me recently, so if you know where I might find a used one I would sure appreciate it- someone parting out a bike, etc.
I've looked on eBay and Pinwall and don't see anything.


Looking for a final drive for this 2011 Roadster (T1275000). Hoping one of you captains has a line on a used one in god condition.

This is me (left) and Cullen, the new owner of my Roadster. We're putting in a new clutch here at my place. I promised to show how to lube the splines on the drive shaft and wouldn't you know there is gear oil in the swing arm = bad seal in the final drive. They say lighting doesn't strike twice, but this has happened to me once before.

Anyway, I need to make this right for him, since he just bought it from me recently, so if you know where I might find a used one I would sure appreciate it- someone parting out a bike, etc.
I've looked on eBay and Pinwall and don't see anything.


Looking for a final drive for this 2011 Roadster (T1275000). Hoping one of you captains has a line on a used one in god condition.

This is me (left) and Cullen, the new owner of my Roadster. We're putting in a new clutch here at my place. I promised to show how to lube the splines on the drive shaft and wouldn't you know there is gear oil in the swing arm = bad seal in the final drive. They say lighting doesn't strike twice, but this has happened to me once before.

Anyway, I need to make this right for him, since he just bought it from me recently, so if you know where I might find a used one I would sure appreciate it- someone parting out a bike, etc.
I've looked on eBay and Pinwall and don't see anything.



Brand new! Tell him to split it with you and he will be better off! Going rate for a used one is 500$ if you can find one?
looked at the vid that frans posted was helpful but not what i need
somewhere there was a post with the numbers of the seal and bearings but that was a while back and i my have lost that info.
it also showed the replacement of the parts.
need help