Need Electrical Help


Feb 22, 2018
Escondido, CA
2006 R3 Classic, 2008 R3T, 2009 Harley Ultra
I installed LED headlights a week ago on '06 R3 Classic. I've run the bike several times since then with no apparent electrical faults. Today, as I always do before a ride, I checked turn signal and brake light functions. Results were zip, nada, bupkis, nothing. My shop manual says fuse in position #4 controls those functions.. That ridiculous mini-microscopic size 15 amp fuse looks fine but I replaced it with a new one. Still no turn signals("indicators") or brake light. I've exhausted my tiny bit of knowledge about Rocket electrics. The bike only has 35K on it and always in the garage or under a cover. I find it very hard to believe the handlebar switch for the turn signals or the switches for the hand and/or foot brake would all fail at the same time.

Ideas please.

Oh, wait a minute. I just thought of something that could be the answer. I installed a gadget years ago that taps somewhere into the turn signals. If my 77 year old recollection system serves me right it is called a "Signal Minder" or some such thing. It could be set to turn off the turn signals after so many seconds if/when you fail to manually turn them off, which was my never ending habit. It could also be set to flash the turns("indicators")several times when braking and also the indicators at all 4 corners could be set to always remain on as running lights. This gizmo has been one of the very best accessories I have installed on my bike and a potential life saver for me. Maybe it has bitten the dust.

Anyway, any other possibilities that come to your mind, please let me know. Mucho Gracias.
is this lighting problem on the Classic or Touring.....Different wiring systems.....
My thoughts.

1. When you swapped them out they worked.

2. You have the aftermarket signal minder.

If possible I would take the signal minder out of the equation and see if they will then work. The only strange thing is the rear light not working. Do a good visual inspection of the wiring running under the rear fender to make sure it hasn't been damaged somehow. While there you may want to chack the rear light to make sure it is good. Also don't forget to check the flasher.

Those are probably the easiest things to check before you get into the weeds wringing out the electrical system.

sometimes when the guys change the headlights there is no place for the parking light so they decide to remove the bulb from the socket this allows the two wires to ground together an short out blowing the fuse
sometimes when the guys change the headlights there is no place for the parking light so they decide to remove the bulb from the socket this allows the two wires to ground together an short out blowing the fuse
****, Herm, you may be onto something there. That is exactly what I did with those parking bulbs because that seems nutty to me to leave them glowing inside my headlight buckets behind my new LED headlight. I figured with their rubber housings there would not be a chance for grounding or shorting. Do I need to check more fuses or relays? Have no idea how to test a relay.

PS I sure don't want to go back into those headlight buckets. It was crazy hard to figure out how to mount the new LED's inside the inner positioning ring and very hard to get the outer chrome ring fitted properly.
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Well, interesting thought about an aftermarket Signal Minder, didn't cross my mind that what I have that has been working for years was some kind of bogus unit. Still have the pamphlet, still looks exactly like the Kisan unit that I bought from them direct. I messaged them this .am. for their thoughts about it. No word back yet.
Between the 2 obvious items, the signal Minder and led headlight mod.
Ive only been aware of 1 Signal Minder failure.....However i know of 3 people who installed led headlights and the parking light wires have bitten every install, 1 was 5 years after install when the wires wore thru a single tape layer....My bet would be there.
You may be able to locate one of the wires to parking light can cut it solving the problem
I can look at some wiring diagrams tomorrow.
UPDATE: No surprise that I still haven't received a reply from Signal Minder for their thoughts. Doesn't really matter now because all is apparently well again. Why? I am not sure. One of my questions for Signal Minder was how in hell do I unplug the connector to what they call the, "options" port. I finally found a tiny slit where a microbe-sized small straight blade screwdriver when inserted can press against the connector and it will release. After disconnecting the Signal Minder and reinstalling the original turn signal flasher the brake light worked but not the turn signals. WTF? Then I checked every fuse, all ten/11, all good. Then I removed the Triumph flasher and reinstalled the Signal Minder and WHAM BAM everything is working again. So, clueless as always, but I can move on.