Need advice as painting my bike

Nah...its not the free trip. Ours get free trip, free govt backed loans, and a lot are on the dole...still want to bite the hand that feeds

Tis no different here my friend.
They come here illegally, want all the benefits including more welfare $ than our citizens/pensioners/war veterans are entitled too, AND want to impose Sharia law on us all.
Ok - your welcome to come and live here, but for ***s sake contribute to society and don't be a burden....
And assimilate, keep your own law and religions (that ***ed your own country) away from our fantastic country.
There I've had my rant.
Back to the topic, Black is better/faster/stronger etc, etc, etc.........

Not Black or Red; but, well said!
Your words apply over here as well.
Any doubts that the rag headed, date eating camel f*ckers are trying to take over the world???
WAKE UP WORLD - before it is too late!
I can solve the problem . Tell them they are getting a cash bonus and lure them all to a gas chamber . Unemployment problem solved .
Not Black or Red; but, well said!
Your words apply over here as well.
Any doubts that the rag headed, date eating camel f*ckers are trying to take over the world???
WAKE UP WORLD - before it is too late!

Although I've eaten a few of my dates I can't say I've ever f*cked a camel......
Although I've eaten a few of my dates I can't say I've ever f*cked a camel......

This here retort deserves something better than a simple "LIKE".
That there was some funny $hit, Amigo!!!
We'll take responsibility for Ned and Chopper .. Mel Gibson has been in the US since he was a pup .. you mob are responsible for him I reckon. PS we don't want him or Paul Hogan back , you keep'em.
Not Black or Red; but, well said!
Your words apply over here as well.
Any doubts that the rag headed, date eating camel f*ckers are trying to take over the world???
WAKE UP WORLD - before it is too late!

What gets me is that they say they want to take over, that they hate us and our culture and our beliefs, that killing westerners is OK and in the name of their god. But unless you're one of them you're not allowed to say so.