Looking for some advice. My instrument nacelle is covered in small scratches and swirls which has annoyed me for a while now, I contacted a chrome plating company who informed me it can't be chromed as it's an alloy? So ordered a replacement at considerable cost
from Fowlers which turned up at the weekend. On unpacking I've discovered the part is now cheap chromed plastic! add to that it had a dozen 'flecks' or 'bits' in the finish big enough to snag a micro fibre cloth and visible on closer inspection, I thought it was a cheap Chinese pattern part at first but it's has genuine made in GB stickers and triumph labels on it. I've returned it this morning.
My question is does anyone know if the metallic nacelle can be re chromed, (I'm guessing yes somehow as it's chromed now) and can anyone recommend a good company in the UK to do it? Thanks in advance

My question is does anyone know if the metallic nacelle can be re chromed, (I'm guessing yes somehow as it's chromed now) and can anyone recommend a good company in the UK to do it? Thanks in advance