Mystery detent spring


.020 Over
Jan 2, 2024
2012 Rocket Roadster
Hi All,

I'm the proud new owner of a 2012 roadster, which I loved, for 4 weeks, until the detent spring broke. So I read up on how to change the spring and started the job, I've been a diesel fitter for 20 odd years now so I consider myself pretty capable, but I now have two problems I'd really appreciate some help with.

Firstly, when I removed the clutch cover I found two springs lying in the bottom. One is the broken detent spring, the other is not broken or damaged at all and is not a detent spring (detent spring shown below on the left, mystery spring on the right). I've searched the shop manual and the parts book but can't find anything to match. The bike ran fine until the detent spring broke, so if anyone can offer any help I would really appreciate it.

Second problem is that I can't find the broken piece of detent spring, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions on where it might be please feel free to share. I'm assuming the scavenge pump has a screen and it is stuck on the screen, but that's only a guess.

Rocket spring.jpg
Do some more searches you'll find pics of that other spring. It goes over the rod that sticks out the side of the case where the clutch cable connects. But it goes inside. You must have pulled that rod out, letting the spring fall free. The other piece of the detent spring is probably laying in the sump, and if were me, I wouldn't worry about it.:cool:
As the guys said the not-broken spring you found is the return spring for the clutch lifter shaft, goes in the front engine cover, it fell out when you were removing the lifter shaft or front cover.



The other half of the broken (detent) spring must be in there somewhere, have you fished in around the hidden pocket here where the yellow arrow points?


If it is not there either then it has to be gone down into the sump. The yellow circled bit shows it. You will need to drop the sump.
X where there is another pocket where it could sit.

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Great information here!!! I have booked marked this page in case I ever should need it. I hope I won't!! I replaced my sump gasket and bolts a few years ago and it was not a pleasant job. Especially in Utah November temperatures, though being in the garage helped.
Thanks for the pictures! Can taking the front of the engine off like that be done with the engine still mounted?
Great information here!!! I have booked marked this page in case I ever should need it. I hope I won't!! I replaced my sump gasket and bolts a few years ago and it was not a pleasant job. Especially in Utah November temperatures, though being in the garage helped.
Thanks for the pictures! Can taking the front of the engine off like that be done with the engine still mounted?

Yeap you can remove front cover and sump with engine still in bike.
Just need to remove radiator and water pump, and disconnect clutch cable at engine end, in order to get front cover. off.
You "could" remove front mudguard and even the wheel to give more elbow room for working but it's not necessary.
If only going in through front cover then one can just roll the front wheel up on a block or such so that the engine is tilted up and the oil stays in.

However if removing sump then oil will need to be drained first, and you'll thank yourself for putting the bike up higher off the ground with blocks under wheels for example, to get better access and view underneath.