My Unexpurgated Amatuer Review of the 2020 GT

Not my area of expertise, but is the clutch on the new rockets a cable or hydro?
My last bike had a hydraulic clutch same as the brakes and it did not engage till almost all the way out. I loved the hydro clutch; never ever had to adjust it. Why don't all bikes have them????
The clutch on wife's new Indian challenger is the same way and she is used to it but me not so much yet.

hydraulic clutch on the new rocket
The clutch on wife's new Indian challenger is the same way and she is used to it but me not so much yet.
I've been riding the GT every day now for about 3 weeks straight. Never owned a bike w/hydraulic clutch until this one. Now that I'm getting used to it, I much prefer it to the cable clutch on my Indian Chief and my old Rocket. It is so much faster (and easier) to pull it is almost like speed shifting. Speaking of speed shifting, has anyone installed the shift-assist option on their bike? I'm curious what it is like/what does it buy you?
isnt the clutch lever adjustable ?
I bought the shift assist but it is on back order as of now.
I brought the TFC home yesterday but it was only 50 miles. I’d say one of the first thing that really HIT me was the clutch. I’ve had hydraulic clutches before but nothing like this one. This is the lightest smoothest thing I’ve ever seen on any motorcycle ever, like nearly liquid butter. The transmission is also better than any bike I’ve ever ridden. Oh and the quick shifter? Uuuuhhhh magic? Slicker-en- chit.
We rode about 130 miles today and I like it more than I did yesterday. I can clutch and **** pretty quick but the quick shift feature is very cool. To pass a car with very little room you tap down then up twice, SOB you are gone around and on the brakes.

The handling in the corners is phenomenal. The bar pressure to countersteer is very light and once you initiate the turn you don’t need hardly any pressure to holly it there, unlike the RIII Roadster. The bike does handle like half its size.

Odd how the front tire is 5mm offset to the right. They really got this geometry correct. You might have bouts about this new model if your a big fan of the old one but I dare you to ride it and continue to be critical.
As an aside, I went to a large independent motorcycle dealership to look for an item in their parts department and before I left the entire staff of the dealership was outside looking at my GT. Bike salesmen, parts guys, mechanics, all of them were gawking and asking questions as fast as I could answer them about the new Rocket. It was a hoot.