My Unexpurgated Amatuer Review of the 2020 GT

The new GT is more like 200 lbs lighter than your old R3T
I thought the R3T was like 750 dry. But I for sure could be wrong. If what you say is correct that would account for the GT being so much more maneuverable when not under power.
So the GT doesn't come with the panniers on purpose? I thought that was a part of the GT kit from the git-go.

I do look forward to your update on that.
Thanks for the report. I’m not afraid of growing pains I’m all in on the new stuff. I do have more than one bike so I’ll be riding something.
Well I have had the GT for a week now and I am loving it more every time I throw a leg over the thing. I did the initial 600 mile oil change, rather straight forward. Remove a couple screws to remove the cowl and two more screws to enable you to tilt the next bracket then remove the three drain plugs and swap the filter. I got my panniers in and was pretty dissapointed with them. They are very small and came with covers. So I assume in really bad rain they must not be water tight so they included the covers to assist in that. I think they should be impervious to the weather for what they cost. I am going to check to see if adding just a foot peg (not the brake and shifter levers) to the R mounting holes in order to change position of my feet during long rides. Also I got the bluetooth module installed, it allows you to connect with a headset, phone, GoPro, etc, all at the same time. I’m stil trying to figure out how to use it, lol.
Thats disappointing news on the panniers. They looked fairly large on the video and pictures. I agree they should be waterproof ffs! Picking mine up Wednesday but pannier racks are on back order so will not be picking them up.
Only a dream right now, but if I get the GT I see those panniers are not the cat's meow. I am interested to see if there will be an aftermarket for putting more substantial panniers on or just settle for a set of throw-overs (I am sure the OEM retractable pannier mounts would keep these out of the wheel and maintain aesthetics) and some Motorrad passenger luggage racks. I have a set of the older style I got for my FJR and never used, but been saving in case I get a bike with limited storage again. You can strap a suitcase to either side up to the weight of a small passenger

BMW Luggage Rack Passenger Footrest w VAUDE bag from MV
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@Azisbest : Thanks for your thoughts and pointers. That GT as is, is for me! But hopefully I'll still be able to hold a big one up when used ones hit the market and prices come down a bit.