My Unexpurgated Amatuer Review of the 2020 GT

I'd be willing to bet that Triumph didn't admit to the development of the R3T when the original model came out. I'd also be willing to bet there will be a Touring version of the new model. Why would Triumph not want leverage the new platform if there's a market for Touring motorcycles. They were pretty successful with the R3T but you can't expect them to discourage any potential buyers of the new models by having them wait for the Touring.

My guess is 3 or 4 years out. Maybe less.
I think I can wait...
I understand you guys love your touring rockets and I think they are beautiful bikes. And I hope triumph does build a touring version of the new rocket. I'm sure they will make changes every few years. But I'm not sure there really is a market for them. I think times are changing and motorcycling is going in a different direction. I think the days of the big goldwings and Harley Electraglides are numbered. I'm sure they will research and see if there is a demand for a tourer, but I think sales of those bikes are declining. I use to dream of owning one of those big touring bikes and traveling the country, now I think I would be happy with the new gt. Couple small bags, weekend trips, all I need.

One can hope the market reacts the same way as the original demise of the muscle car... which has seen quite the resurgence...

Experts need to stick with enlightening us with what they know and not opine on what they think.
Wow, you do travel with a load! I cant comment on the size of the panniers although I have them on order I have not seen any except in pictures. They seem to be thicker than the ones on my 2015 but the other dimensions seem smaller to be sure. I am confident I will have the luggage space to get me by for a week of traveling (I also have a nice sized bag that will fit on the optional luggage rack behind the sissy bar pad) but since my wife does not like to ride I only have to accommodate myself. I will for sure comment further after I receive the panniers.
I will add that after my initial test ride at the dealership I was not all that impressed. I think the reason was that I was lead around on the test ride by a dealership guy and we only went on straight roads for maybe 4 miles total. If you can do a longer test ride that will allow the new Rockets to strut their stuff, you will not be dissapointed. Holy **** this thing is addicting, I can’t hardly stand being at work thinking about riding the thing as soon as I get home. Luckily in the 70s here during the day so the weather is perfect. I’ll be needing the initial oil change very soon.

PS - I did a roll on impromptu drag with my buddy on his Diavel starting at about 35 mph and was pulling away when we caught up to the rest of the group we had allowed to get a half mile ahead or so. Got a thumbs up from him.
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The new GT is more like 200 lbs lighter than your old R3T