My turn to beat the (long) dead horse...

Give over.... its not the tyres fault its the riders...some tyres wear faster than others as they are a softer stickier compound.... there is no excuse to let your tyre get anywhere near that condition.... takes 30 seconds to walk around yer bike before you ride it..if the tyre was getting anywhere near the tread bar limits it should have been changed n not ridden for another few 100 miles... its a fact bike tyres wear faster than car tyres.... I get around 3000 UK miles out of my rear n always change them as a pair.. if your looking for longer life from ya tyre buy a less powerful bike … makes my blood boil when people buy bikes then moan about tyre life.. n don't get me started on darksiders..oops I said it out loud didn't I
FWIW Metzeler says replace when any portion of the tread is less than 2mm.
Law here says when 30% of width has less than 1.5mm - and on some tyres 1.5 looks near bald. When a carcass gets that thin near the cords the rubber will peel off.

I tried the darkside before the E-Max appeared - wore the thing to a lovely round section. But balding edges let go in the wet.
I disagree on needing a less powerful bike. You just need a better tire. The Metz is a poor choice for the R3. I got 3500 miles from the rear, and the front was so cupped it needed to be changed also. The EMax consistently gets 9-10,000 miles on the rear, and the Cobras get 12,000 miles.
But I do agree with you about DS on a R3.
Sooo... I'm actually going to try the SIDE.... yup, darkside.

But before you start on that I'll say this: I've already read everyone's opinion, as they are all well documented on this site, so there is no need to repeat what you've already posted every time darkside gets mentioned. I've read all the opinions and taken them into consideration. I have decided, that at the end of the day, it's my bike, my money, my tire and my ass. Thank you for your time and experience.

Now you can go back to your assumptions and ill opinions with even greater vigor.

Should suit you perfectly. They’re cheap.
To keep things in perspective, I had an R1 for many years and it needed a new back tyre about every 1800 miles.
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Stubborn and cheap though you may appear to some, I completely agree with you here. Gets SO OLD to see the same old comments and criticisms repeated endlessly every time the dark side is mentioned. Yep… thanks… noted…
I prefer the Metz in late fall and early spring in cold temperatures,the only thing is they wear quick,and when they “go” it’s almost no warning. Looked at my rear a couple years ago before I left for work,told myself to order a new set when I got to work,the threads came out in the way there. I am currently running cobras,so far I’m happy with them,I just give them more time to warm up than I would with the Metz.
yea i know what u mean
they r always telling me about check my tires,check my brakes,wear safety gear ,pay attention to other drivers. why do they take the time to give us this advice. when we know better.