My Rocket in Flames on the Launchpad!!

Thank goodness you're ok.... Why didn't the gas nozel auto cutout when the tank was full? They do here in Australia, and doesn't petrol/gas need a naked flame or spark to ignite? not just a hot surface..
Thanks for posting, I usually don't even think about fire, I push the nozzle to the bottom and start filling till it shuts off then hold the switch that is supposed to keep the vapors from escaping, and finish up really quick while holding the switch and waiting for the fuel to hit the nozzle and shut off the pump, I will definitely be more cautious after reading this, I don't wear a lot of protection, shorts and short sleeves and sneakers and full face helmet, but I'll definitely keep my visor closed if I can and the anti-fog works.

Sorry to hear about you and the bike, nothing like the pain of a burn, and I've never had 3rd degree burns, I'm not really sure what the degrees are but I just probably had first degree, just the skin, comes with the job, Boiler operator, mostly steam or steam pipe burns but I heard a guy lecture about his burns on 80% of his body, I think he was working with methanol and he had it all over him and it ignited off his truck he had running, he told stories of the burn center, WOW that's horrible, they put him in a clorinated tank and had to peel skin every day, I feel for you brother, hope you have a speedy full recovery. And thanks I'll definitely be more aware like you have to be on a bike cause you just have to, you all know what that's about, seems like everyday something happens on the road, be careful don't be road kill, and "LIVE TO RIDE" Hope to see you out there soon!!! And thanks