My Rocket in Flames on the Launchpad!!

Dunno about the US. In the UK you shouldn't be sitting on the bike when you're refuelling.
I never do. I'm surprised how some fuel while still straddling the bike! I always turn it completely off and get off.
This time, doing same, standing and refueling, thing the tank was more empty than it actually was so didn't expect it was gonna fill up that fast. After it spilled, I capped it and got back on the bike and rode into the sunset
I get what you meant now; you were wondering as you pulled away after filling up, would you be able to jump off should she go up in flames
Thank the biker gods you able to share your story. I have only had one fill up on my 2020 and i was nervous the whole time, barely squeezing the gas nozzle in case something like this happened. Really bad design for such a great bike.
A wee bit late to this post, first of all glad you are okay bikes can be replaced body parts usually cannot, now buy that bike back from the insurance company and Paul Bryant will pay you full retail value for it(he has a fetish for burnt bikes)
Always get off the bike when filling up, never top a motorcycle off, always remove gloves when filling, I was watching a stupid twat the other day with the petrol pump in his Harley filling up while he was on his cell phone, brains of a toffee frog if you ask me.
The legal part could be a bit complicated as we all know it is more dangerous filling a bike than a vehicle so it is on us to be extra carefull, now that is just my opinion and you are correct I am not a lawyer but I am a plumber
Wow! Boy oh boy!....Would I sue WAWA!! The nozzle should have shut off automatically as they always should! Get a lawyer!!