My Newest Accessory

Wonderful loyal, extremely smart and friendly birds if you treat them right. I have some I have not fed or visited in over a year in a a 650 acre reserve behind my house. When I walk by they will still come and land and walk alongside me and my dog for a few hundred feet and hover and land on my walking staff.

The serious swoopers are simply very good males defending their nesting area from especially fast moving bikes and runners they do not know.
Those things that crawl and slither are nothing compared to some of the politicians and lawyers over here.
btw, nice setup.

I reckon your citizenship honeymoon has expired, now that you have seen them for what they truly are?
BTW - Are they any better in Oz?
Reactions: idk
I reckon your citizenship honeymoon has expired, now that you have seen them for what they truly are?
BTW - Are they any better in Oz?
I watched POTUS speech from New Mexico last night and he compared the snakes in New Mexico to those in DC - and he preferred those in NM. So I like to think that I am in good company.
Preferred snakes on the ground to those in DC.
I laughed. Also thought Trump bloviated a little less than normal, which is a baby step in the correct direction.