I just now saw this thread. The seat looks great! To those of you who inquired, it is a classic RIII touring seat with out the back rest. If you bought one of the Classic R3 Touring bikes, this is the seat that would have come eith the bike. However, it is not standard on the "standard" R3. I bought the seat and had it on my 05 standard R3. For me, it was a major improvement over the stock seat.
I wish I had that seat on my new R3T. The R3T seat is not near the quality of that seat.
Thanks Bob, It does look good. I will probably send it off eventually to have a backrest added and have Russle do his magic but thats down the road. Thanks again I do like the seat and I think it was a good deal.
Just ordererd the above seat , from Lings Triumph . Its got to be better than the stock seat , only £101 including post . If crap try some thing else .
Yep thats the Classic seat that came on my 06 Classic . I still have it laying around, Triumph came out with the drivers back rest model in 07 along with the classic Pull back Bars. I switch to the drivers back rest style because after the blower install I found myself spending to much time in the passenger seat when I spooled the blower up :twisted:
I think you have to have the 07 style with the plug to add the drivers backrest as the 06 one does not have the molded bosses for the back rest bolts.
07 seat
I hover around 150 lbs and find the seat fits great longest ride was 975 miles in one day stopping only for fuel and grub. In fact I did the 975 in 10 hours to the Gettyburg Rat raid which is where I saw IDK's Hepco bekor hard bags. And after getting the info from him I added them and never took them off. The Triumph Leather bags still sit in the garage next to the seat the old tins and various other parts that got in the way of the blower
GVI is nice I went with the hepco bekor because they made R3 brackets for the side bags. I also use a trunk for long trips. heres a picture but it was a while ago before I changed colors.
works well all are key locked on the bike and even the trunk removes like a suite case.