My Moto Hobo life

You're living the life that most of us wish to do but can't because of obligations, jobs, medical conditions or just plain scared. I would love to do what you're doing my friend but if I did I would have (and want) to bring the wife. She would want to stay in the nearest Hyatt so this is where that fantasy ends. Thanks for the much appreciated narration and entertainment.
Now that you are taking the time to smell the roses, your photography is improving. Getting some great shot there.

Sounds like you are the only rooster in the hen house, don't know if to congratulate, or give warning....
Thank you, yet another terrific set of photos.

I'm glad folks like them and I'll endeavor to take a variety of shots to try and get something for everyone.

I have just about squeezed all the visual essence from this location so i need to get the Moto Hobo gypsy train rolling east!

This stolen picture is dedicated to the A-Holes who insist on starting their noisy generators at 6 am or throughout the day.

I am surprised you aren't in a park that prohibits gensets before 7 or 8. Not that I would do it, but I guess you *could* go to the local hobby store and get some corks and on a nightly stroll around the park shove a cork up the exhaust of the worst offender's gen exhaust. As they start them remotely it may take a good long while before they think of a plugged exhaust,if ever. In place of a cork, coring a potato on the exhaust pipe will work well also.

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I prefer to stay out in the desert on free government land but it's nice to stay in the parks and have a bathroom, clean water, possibly hot showers (US$1 extra here), and even electricity.

You also meet some interesting ’neighbors’.

The downside is the occasional annoying noise.

Most parks here have a noise ordinance from 10 pm to 6 am. 8 to 8 would be better.

I was tempted to aim my headlights at one last night and hit him with my high beams but pretended I was an adult.

And how do I get all these friggin ducks to shut up???? It isn't 6 yet and they seem to be having an orgy on the lake this morning!!!
Have them over for a meal or two
Better yet, start feeding them in the campsite of the generator tenant in the EARLY morning