Well, progress has been made.
PAIR emissions crap blocked off, EVAP Canister CA bullshiz removed, wideband now reading properly. Nate wasn't BSing, bike is excessively rich nearly everywhere, including idle (12.8 AFR).
My service manual finally arrived... Kawi manuals are quite similar to Triumph manuals, thankfully. Was expected something more like Honda manuals, (which drive me nuts).
Found my first wtf were they thinking. If the EVAP purge valve is disconnected from the ECU, the bike goes into limp mode

Left it in place, but only connected electrically, which solved limp mode.
The second wtf is in the mapping of the US bikes vs EU bikes. US bikes have ignition timing absolutely neutered in the 2%-10% range from 2000 to 5000 RPM at 15 degrees for that whole region, but the EU bikes have a normal progressive curve in that area. I've copied the EU values over and done some rudimentary super safe derestricting.
Sunday I'll toss in some good gas and go riding so I can get a bunch of datalogs and correct fueling a bit. Mostly want to find and ETV table that feels natural and tame around town but rowdy AF when I get on it.