My first 200 miles on the Darkside

THE CT has nothing to do with the splines failing so its most likely a lubrication issue
Cheap steel. Once there is a little play and subsequent lash it will only compound itself if the metals used are not designed to accomdate the load exerted upon it. I may have overloaded the design but I would like to think that engineering specs would exceed the harshest application and not the minimum to get into production. The driveline needs to be designed as bullet proof as possible with such a beast of a bike. I do respect other folks opinions on this matter. I speak only from my personal experience and somewhere on this site are pics of my driveshaft.
I did a few dozen runs down the drag strip and was a little disappointed. I expected more traction. Even when it did grip off the line, I was chirping the tire through 3rd gear.
The drive shaft probably failed because he has a friend that went darkside. Darkside is a bad bad thing. Makes the food in your refrigerator spoil and can cause herpes.
THAT makes sense I agree with you
Rationalization is a beautiful thing!

To each their own...
I did a few dozen runs down the drag strip and was a little disappointed. I expected more traction. Even when it did grip off the line, I was chirping the tire through 3rd gear.
What was your 1/4 mile ET ?
Thats strange the modded Rockets have more than double stock HP and they dont fail ????
I'll never go darkside but much of that's just aesthetics. It looks ugly. And it's wrong. Like baptizing babies in toilet water wrong.