My Carpenter 240 build

You can get a brand new Brute for less than you paid for your headlights.

I habla your drift, but $1400 and $1600 are much more than I spent on my JW Speaker Adaptive LEDs.
If I must spend that much, I'd likely go with the new Les Ozrider pipes that sweep back similar to the CES.
Thanksgiving 2020! In the shop, givin the old girl a check up.
Approx 7k miles since she was apart. 2020 didn’t have much riding.......
Plugs look great with great color, cams have no chips, showing great wear. Buckets look great. Valve clearances are a tad fat (as it was when I installed the head). The gaps are decreasing, as expected.
Time to order up some new plugs, put it together and wait for nice weather!

While you have it that far apart - it might be worth popping the cams and having a squint at the retainers, the shims might be starting to eat into them
While you have it that far apart - it might be worth popping the cams and having a squint at the retainers, the shims might be starting to eat into them
Since you also have the same set up, did you see any of that? I’m not a fan of Ti retainers. Ti is tough, but deforms easily.
Seems the steel shims can eat into the titanium. All mine were eating to some degree at about 10k miles but one was all but out of the retainer
All new ones fitted and after 5000 miles there were rings worn inside the retainers.

The cost of a high performance motor!
Can't have it all.
So i checked my detailed files, it was actually 12000 miles and this was the worst one I found;

My wear at 1500 miles (new one on left, old one on right)

Haven't got round to testing alternative yet...
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Been following this post with great interest. 12,000 miles and damage like that? I do a valve clearance check and adjust every 20,000 and after three checks have never encountered damage that is illustrated in the above post. Instead of once a year I would be checking every six months. Average mileage is over 20,000 a year. Really glad to see folks posting stuff like this. Hats off to both of you thanks again.