My Carpenter 240 build

So Rob,
You gained about 12 RWHP with the Oz header over the CES?
Would be interesting to get Jeff's motor onto Nels' dyno.
My thoughts on Les’s pipe are I think it will tickle 230hp with the 9k map and probably a better fuel pump, at about 185 ish tq. But I’m not sold just yet. Why? 217 hp is a lot, even for this fat girl. I don’t run it at the track, so I am not sure what I’d be giving up, if anything in the normal human range of riding. I will say his pipe that looks similar (NOT A COPY) of the CES looks amazing!
To be honest, the R3 is most fun on the street in the 200ish whp range. Having seen 120, 140, 155, 183, 197, 211, 232, 251, and wherever it's at now, above 230 it's much harder to use all the power.

We're I building another rocket, oh wait I am... 210 at the wheel with the broadest possible torque curve would be my target. 211 was enough to contend with liter bikes and be fun.

At 200ish, I was comfortable opening it up very frequently with confidence I wouldn't be bitten unexpectedly.

At 230 you really need to pay attention to throttle control when over the 4k mark cornering.

At 250, going full power leant over is like seeing god. You cannot process all the sensory data coming at you so you learn to quickly parse and dismiss extraneous details.

While exciting, I think I and maybe many riders, would be faster through Twisties at 200ish than 250ish.

Mufasa has gone too far, I'm undoing a couple of small things to tame it, as I cannot relax on the bike anymore.
"We're I building another rocket, oh wait I am... 210 at the wheel with the broadest possible torque curve would be my target."
This sounds V-e-r-y exciting!
Can I cum?
These mountain roads we ride will not allow use of all 200 hp. You’ll be off road and expired if you try to run wide open around here. There are places to open it up but you better know the road and get her shut down before it’s to late. My next mods may be a brake upgrade, going from 130 to 30 in a short space is a challenge.

It is nice to see this real world summation that admits ultra hp is not the end of the game, kudos.
See you over there soon. Take it easy over here on these tight roads.
Can’t wait to meet you all! And don’t fret, I’ve been out there many times, and I agree those are some challenging roads to be sure! My Rockets been there before too, but now she’s got her chest all puffed up, I may have to simmer down a tad. Or not!
What program do you use to overlay the dyno lines?
That is an interesting comparison. Seems like I made (with guidance) good choices. I have only rode this and a stock bike, so I don’t have a seat of the pants difference, but I feel I captured the essence of what I was after, that is big power, and big torque in the meat of the normal riding element. Thanks Rob for the visual!