My Carpenter 240 build

Congrats on your beast! A couple of things to remember: Be sure it's pointing where you want to go before getting on the throttle hard. Where the stock setup was falling off, you will be kicking in the afterburners. Head low and hang on!

I haven't even really had a chance to spank it yet. It is crazy fast. It is scary. It will kill you, and that right quick if you don't respect her.

I can say the mechanic who tuned it (also tunes drag bikes) said he's never ridden a bike as fun and crazy powerful as mine! I think he was smitten with the big girl!
Take your time getting to know how she will act. My dad always said learn your bike, and when you think you know it, learn it again. Always respect it, because when you stop it will take back that respect hard. His advice has served me well for many years.
Then you can go out hunting sport bikes.
Great work Jeff and welcome to the club. Now you can say you built the bike yourself
You weren't too far off the 220!
Thanks Art! Greatly appreciate your support along the way! It certainly is capable of more power, but it puts it at risk of detonation at high rpm according to my tuner. He felt confident it will run really reliably in this tune state, and I went with his recommendation.
I'd listen to the tuner its funner being able to ride everwhere not worrying about detonation. Enjoy
Sonny, are you saying Nels, owner of Two Wheel Dyno Works does not know what he is doing and you do?
Never said i know how to tune. Matter of fact have stated i know very little about it. Tune presently in the bike is straight f tables nothing else. Got the tune off of here. Tune that will be going into bike looks a lot different. Imagine after getting it dyno it should run a lot better. From my understanding of tunes now i probably would have never down loaded the straight f table tune.
Sonny, an f table only tune vs one using both l and f would be noticed by a snatchier throttle response at lower throttle settings, like in a neighborhood, parking lot, etc.. the tune I am currently running uses both as thats how we tuned it.

You can still achieve a very good running bike using just the f tables. Its just not as granular in the throttle response.
Excellent. The tune i will be downloading into the bike after the work is completed should be a lot smoother and more balanced through out the throttle response. After i get it dyno will post the results. Got a feeling that i am not going to be disappointed at all.
Hi Jvheli congrats on a great build and thread - hope she treats you well.
Also great to see the support from the forum members - love this site.

I am still following @Steel advice and getting to now the bike I have - would like to think that if I follow the Carpenter upgrade route that I would get the same support.

Great thread.
Any of you computer savvy types able to overlay a 240 dyno with Carpenters pipe?

Like to see what changes....