My 2014 Roadster Build...

That's the concern to, but the 3 pipes in the back will cross over to one another before being 3 individual pipes again...
Got the pipe lined up and working on getting a bender in my garage...
Latest look...

did this stock headers into straight pipe with 16" glass pack last night, before I start on my 3 into 3 exhaust... Pipe bender was a bust so I ordered all the bends that I will need and should have it in a week or so. Sent old headers off to buddy to cnc some new flanges...
Added this today... don't rely on horn since I always look for a way out... today I almost got plowed over by an escalade in stop and go traffic... Had to kick the beotch door in...

Hopefully this helps...
VTX, HD and the R3R...
I got reserved parking today, thought it was a good picture to get an idea of how the others stack up...
I added the boob to my current setup...
does not look to bad and the custom bracket is holding up...
corbin backrest tied to a custom bracket with the stock seat...