please please please post link
and how/what is it hooked up to?
Brought the bike down to Phoenix to have him look at the tune, he re-tuned the Power Commander at 60,80 and 100% throttle as it was running rich. He made some adjustments to the 0% throttle position where he added fuel for decel pop and changed the numbers from 500-3000rpm he went from 20 to 3 in those positions and left it at 20 from 3250 all the way up to 7000rpm. He did say sometimes there's bleed over from one cell to the other, I was having rich conditions in the lower throttle positions that's now gone so everything seems to be good.

Air/fuel is now spot on. 14-14.5:1 cruise, 13.3-13.5: acceleration and 12.5-13:1 wide open. Man does that thing run!!!
.....and Jeff was very good about working it out, real professional. He put nearly three hours into it, now the bike is right. Amazing the difference small changes make.
Absolutely thats why when you build a lush motor even someone with the talent of neville lush and the base tune he sets you up with he tells you to go to a tuner. And his base tunes are very very close to perfection sight unseen of your bike. I couldve run his base tune and been very happy with no issues it was so good.
Before and after tunes, original and re-tune.


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    origional tune.jpg
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  • Jeff Retune.jpg
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