Mounting an Exedra Max rear tire on the new 3R = Better Handling

Has anybody actually run an 852 on a Gen 2 rocket? I'd be curious to hear how it handles/grips compared to the Avon or the Maxx. I also just noticed that Revzilla is showing a new tire available in 240/50R16 which is the Metzeler Cruisetec. It's a dual-compound tire which I don't think any of the previously discussed tires actually are. Anybody have experience with the Cruisetec?
I'd be willing to give the Cruistec a try next go around, although I'd probably miss the shorter rake the 55 profile on the Exedra Max introduces- quicker turns. Here's an article that reviews the tire and claims that in turns you have a wider contact patch with the Cruistec. It's about $40 more than the Exedra and currently out of stock at Revzilla- not available at Rocky Mountain ATV, which is my go to tire store.
I'd be willing to give the Cruistec a try next go around, although I'd probably miss the shorter rake the 55 profile on the Exedra Max introduces- quicker turns. Here's an article that reviews the tire and claims that in turns you have a wider contact patch with the Cruistec. It's about $40 more than the Exedra and currently out of stock at Revzilla- not available at Rocky Mountain ATV, which is my go to tire store.
That review made me chuckle. The tyre is made for "higher performance bikes" like the Indian scout, all of 100bhp and 72ft/lb of torque. How will it survive the Rocket?
If so, not enough. I plan on cutting the side stand down soon.
Have you had any luck with this idea? I never had a bike that sat on the side stand like this and even at some gas stations I need to plan my entrance according to any slope there may be. It makes sense for the oil checking procedure but one can always put a spacer under it for that to get the correct angle.
Have you had any luck with this idea? I never had a bike that sat on the side stand like this and even at some gas stations I need to plan my entrance according to any slope there may be. It makes sense for the oil checking procedure but one can always put a spacer under it for that to get the correct angle.
I never did, but still hoping to find a reasonable solution. Yeah, parking is an issue on streets that slope off to the right putting the kickstand uphill. The bike sits nearly straight upright. I sometimes back the rear wheel against the curb to try to lock the bike into place.
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Sure, here ya go....
 2020 Rocket 3 R Manual2a.jpg

 2020 Rocket 3 R Manual2.jpg
I think I'm going to try the Metzler cruisetec on the rear, tired of wainting on the Cobra chrome.
Surprisingly, Triumph's website says that not only are the Cruisetecs an approved tire, but that they're OEM, and lists them as the only approved option. I only found out because I wanted to see what tires were "approved" since my wheel and tire plan only covers manufacturer-approved tires.

Not that I've been terribly impressed with Triumph's ability to check its own documentation (the service manual says that the minimum RON is 91, but elsewhere in the same manual says that it's 95. Same issue with torque figures in some cases).