Motorcycle Lift?

I have the J&S jack which raises the bikes to about half as high as the Big Blue lift. The J&S uses a tedious foot pump which has already needed replacement.
The Big Blue uses an electric drill or I can use a 22mm wrench for fine height adjustments , such as settling a tire into is axle position. To me the $825 was well spent since I use it for three bikes.
Big Blue lifts are on sale now Triumph Rocket 3/3R/GT Lift – Jack | Motorcycle Lift | EazyRizer Big Blue USA | Motorcycle Jacks
Yes it's pricey but they also come with bike specific lift arm configurations which is a huge plus in addition to all the other benefits such as being stable and reliable. I'm buying myself one for Christmas.
Do you have room for a 2 post lift? If you do and you could pull a car in some times it would be worth the 800 to find a used screw type lift. You can lift a motorcycle easily as it's not dependant on a equal load. I love mine. All the other under the engine lifts are junk especially for the rocket and it's 3 drain plugs
Nice setup you're describing. My junk has lifted a Roadster and 3R for about six years now. The drain plugs are completely and easily accessible, works for (among many other things)- rebuilding the Roadster, pulling the wheels to do my own tire changes, pulling the final drive to lube the splines, and the recent full 30K service on the 3R where it was up for quite some time.

My 3R is one of the few finer things in my life. For other people that list just happens to run longer. I just want to make sure here that some new Rocket owner out there who might read this knows that you can get the job done, easily, without a huge investment and when the tires are back down on the ground no one is going to know the difference. But, if that Rocket owner wants to spend close to a grand lifting his bike, then more power to him.
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