One hundred and fifty Rockets is a lot of Rockets to move, remember it is not a big selling bike so he might be pretty close but then again never trust an Englishman
I'm on my second r3t. Had to have one! In 2005 I read the review of the Rocket 3 and told my wife that if they ever made one with hard bags and floorboards, I'd have to get one. Then came 2008. I was riding a Suzuki 1500 that I loved. The flame quickly flickered away and in July I picked up my first rocket. A black and white r3t. I had a new love. Then in 2015 someone stole the trailer she was in. As soon as the insurance check came in, on a monday. On wensday I arranged to buy my current 2013. I'll get another if, I have to. But I'll drive this one until the wheels fall off and I'll get her new wheels