Most R3 sales World wide !

Impressed! Pics tell the story!
Mo black D beta!
Mo black D beta!
Me I sold my KLR650 and a year later I said to myself "why dud I sell that farkled KLR 650?" I called the buyer and sure nuff he was ready to sell it back. 3 weeks later I realised why I sold it and sold it again. No not to rne same fellow as he had more sense!

So why did you keep selling them or did you trade them in on the next years model and even then why? Not meaning to pry but simply understand a different way of thinking. I am notoriously bad at ever selling or getting rid of things myself and could do with some self-reflection and different viewpoints on this tendency of mine.

I get bored quickly and want to start another build and go a different direction.

I like buying & selling & haggling.

Because I can as well.

Regards Lofty
That's true. I hacked the seat up a bit too. I was going for baby bear in the Goldilocks story.
I knew if i sat on one id buy it, so i didnt for six years due to funding. Then did and did. 50k miles later, still the best bike as is ready to ride in 50 years of riding.
I bought new, should say ordered new because they said they never had sold or seen the 2 tone, black & red.! So that's why I wanted mine 2015 Triumph Rocket Tour . Got it with only 14 miles on it , just for them to test and fill with gas !