Missing Captains - Where Are They Now?

Steel texted me a few days ago so is alive and well. He has posted very little in the past couple of years. Scot in Exile fell off very fast after the RAA in Richland WV. I am not sure what happened but he left early and sort of disappeared. That was the event where Warp crashed and I am not sure if that was a factor.
I forecasted we would get an influx of new members when the new bikes came out. There is just something about the new stuff that creates a new and different customer base. The old Rockets had their day and now there is a changing of the guard. Things and interests change in life and that is the flow of things. I see myself as a member in the middle having come in and modified a rocket before the new ones and then purchasing one of the next generation.
I ain't dead yet ya rollicking rodent ! John stolly is right tho , my life is moving at 100mph . Not always for the good but always for the interesting ! As the good doc D says , life does move on with new members and new bikes . I like the new R3 but myself and my trusty 10 plate have yet to be bested by one on our twisty roads . I'm never far away from here and look in often , but these days tend to fall asleep before I've even started , let alone finished any contribution ! I am fully aware that I have plenty more suffering to do in this crazy world , So ima gonna be around for a long time yet ! Love to yal
Good to hear from you Sweetheart