Minor Tune Question


May 16, 2013
Columbia, S.C.
Have had my 05 only about 6 months. It runs perfect in every way except at low speed, low rpm. If I was cruising the neighborhood at, say 12 or 1300 rpm in second gear it will surge slightly. Have tried FI cleaner, since it only has 9800 miles. Thought maybe lots of sitting unused by the previous owner had lead to gelled gas in the FI system. It has TORs exhaust, don't know what tune. Has had valves checked. Did 12 minute tune twice. Seems like that fixed it for a week or two each time. Is there anything else I can try or does it need a different tune put in? It is very minor and could just be the nature of the beast (My VTX 1800 did the same thing) Cranks and pulls smoothly. As long as it is pulling it does not do it. Just as the engine is "floating", not pulling and not backing down is when it surges slightly.