I am excited. Got my Fuelbot2.0 today in the mail. Now the fun. Deciding where to mount, and going through the calibration. I look forward to it all. Thank you Dave. And after a great ride this weekend, the tank is almost empty to boot.
I remember one time I filled up in Soo Michigan and crossed the border and drove to Sudbury which was about 330 Km. I don't know how much further I could have gone, I just didn't want to take a chance. By the way is this like a diesel, in that you should never run them dry as you may damage the fuel pump?
Doubt it very much , the pump will not have much time to overheat as you will be sitting still on the side of the road. never a good thing to run any pump dry(that requires liquid to cool it)
Has anybody noticed if octane helps fuel mileage? I run premium all the time and saw a post where somebody said not to run premium. Any suggestions?
This past weekend I got to 196 miles and had just a bit less than half a gallon in the gas tank. The light had been on for abouit 30 miles I would guess.
Has anybody noticed if octane helps fuel mileage? I run premium all the time and saw a post where somebody said not to run premium. Any suggestions?
It will not help to run premium....the timing and compression ratio definitely are set up for regular 87 octane....(Maybe 85 or 86 out west in the mountains even) Some people indicate their bikes actually RUN BETTER with regular. That's not my experience, but premium is not worth the cost, since it makes no improvement. However, if you can get non ethanol gas, do get it, for you may get a little more MPG with that. In that case you may have no choice what octane you get because vendors vary, the one nearest me only carries it in premium, others only have it in regular. But again the price may be so high as to not be worth using it all the time. Like every fifth tank to run all the ethanol residue out so it doesn't build up. There may be tune modifications that advance your timing so much as to make premium necessary, but rideability would suffer greatly.