
.020 Over
Jul 19, 2014
Can somebody tell me what the middle pin on the starter relay is for .
Ta in advance
Ps .it doesn't seem to be on my wiring diagram.
Headlight cutout

Say what.... headlight cutout?

Wayne I have the same diagram as you apparently. The wire you mention just goes to the top of the diagram then into outer space. Bunch of those wires do.

Anyone know where the rest of the diagram is located?
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When you put your finger on the starter button it activates the starter relay. This then cuts power from the headlights and relays it to the starter motor solenoid, which then activates the starter motor, which then (hopefully) starts the engine. If you notice, your headlights go out when starting the bike, leaving only the parking lights on.
IDK........ where is the rest of the wiring diagram or what is that box type deal that all the wires are running into at the top?
That is the box of magic smoke, whatever you do, DO NOT let the magic smoke escape. That is always a costly affair. :( ;)

Spokanistan is beating you down, Amigo! :D
You really do NEED to blow off the STINK with us this July 15th for the ride to SD. :p
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The charging and starter electrical diagram over laps with the lighting diagram were the starter relay is concerned. Go figure.

Thank you all