Metzler Tire Prices!!!!


Cost $151.99 from Motorcycle Superstore for a ME880 Marathon 150/80VR-17. Includes shipping.

I meant to update this sooner, since I have about 400 miles on a new front tire. Do not use the Motorcycle Superstore based on my past experience. I placed my order and exactly one week later the tire had not even been shipped to their warehouse from their own supplier. I canceled and called Ron Ayers, tire was on my doorstep in two days. Cost three dollars more. Great Company.
Ride Now Motorsports of Longwood, (formerly Cycle Rriders same owners though i think) said rear Metz was $299 list, charged me $200. plus $35 to put it on. Thought that was pretty good. Also changed out my rear brake pads with no labor charge.
Fyi This was at 10,000 miles, not bad. No thread showing yet but it was ready.
I have 12k on my Metzler's and they are in decent shape, for now. I am going to change them this spring, has anyone put any other brand on their bike (non-car tires?)
12 THOUSAND miles and they are still in good shape?

You gotta post a pic of this, mine last maybe 4000-6000 tops before they are really unsafe to be ridden on
Wow, that has to be expensive. Do you light them up ever? Those are 12 thousand responsible miles ;-) She's out in storage 50 miles away but I will try to remember to post pics when I get her out.
I checked out the Avon display in the factory at the show to check on word they were getting one to fit but nothing yet and no rep to talk to:confused:.
11,000 miles and I'm up for a new front, new ME880 mounted on my rim (off bike) $215.30 OTD. Including 6% MI tax and $5.00 Disposal fee. (Goodyear Eagle F1 on rear looks good for another 25k)

The dunlop 404 is a good tire for the front $76.00 Ventus 245/50/16 for the rear $83.00 rockenrobert