As reported previously, Santa will be using a new prototype Rocket Powered Triumph Rocket III Sleigh Hauler this year.
It is based on a Triumph Rocket III frame retrofitted by his EE's (Engineering Elves) with a new Aerojet Rocketdyne RS-25-T Engine.
It was spotted by a secret NASA satellite taking an engine break in and load capacity analysis test ride.
All systems appeared to be functioning as designed in anticipation of a successful Christmas Eve launch...
12/21 UPDATE: As seen in the spy photo it was running too rich on the LH2-LOX propellant but has since been dyno tuned and remapped.
-->> LH2-LOX has the highest specific impulse of any commonly used rocket fuel, and the incredibly efficient RS-25 engine gets great gas mileage out of an already efficient fuel.
12/22 UPDATE: Engine and payload capacity tests passed. T minus 2 Days and counting before liftoff
12/23 UPDATE: Vertical Take-off and Vertical Landing (VTVL) testing was successful last night after some minor reengineering by the Elves to the Vectored Thrust mechanism.
The reusable Aerojet Rocketdyne RS-25-T Rocket also acts as a retro-thrust engine in order to decelerate for propulsive landing.
It can be quickly re-positioned for VTVL allowing it to hover, take off, and land vertically.
T minus 1 day to liftoff
12/24/19 UPDATE: I received word from the NP that it's all systems go for a successful launch and scheduled payload deliveries.
I hope you all made "The List" and that your GPS coordinates were uploaded properly.