Merry Christmas & Happy new year

Just a couple of lines wishing you all and your families a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. Take care, be safe and I hope you all enjoy your holidays.
Kind regards Malcolm.
Merry chrismas to all from a snowy Denver. I have been off the bike for three days now and going crazy...

Gee @Boog you are the spitting image of my neighbour and he also rides Trumpies. A new T bird. You sure you don't reside here in Oz ha ha
Fridge is absolutely chockers .. baked ham , prawns , chicken , oysters .. cherries and sugar plums (all from Albany) Filled a big vase full of Kangaroos paws (Catherine's favourite native flower) ... got Paul Kelly's "Making Gravy" on rotation in the CD player .. reckon we're just about set for Christmas .. hoping you all have a good one
Hopefully get some sleep .. I put my hand up to do the sleep-over shift tonight. I'm the only staff member that doesn't have small kids... no biggie to me and be home in time to watch Catherine tear into her presents.
Just sneaked in to check the forum ,we have a house full my Son and Daughter and Grand Daughter and KIWI son in law and his bloody Guitar ,two of the Princess's brothers and their wives and beautiful kids we have a few sleep overs Due to Random breath testing blitz in this area , they are either watching the carols on TV or on the drink in my shed ,I love having the mob over for Christmas eve ,
I hope all you guys and ladies have a great day Tomorrow and a happy and safe new year,

Thanks Ant, And the same to you & yours too. Living the dream without the bull**** and jelly beans mate. Kia Kaha. Stephen