This year can only get better than last!


That's my name ....built like a truck
Feb 18, 2016
Duffy, Canberra, ACT, AUSTRALIA
2x2010 ABS Roadsters, Sprint ST 1050 ABS, 3x250s
What a year (with a baker's dozen licence;):)):
Oct 30 '22 wrote off my newly restored R3T full dresser but relatively unscathed without any doctor or hospital visits;
New Years Eve spent in hospital having major naval hernia repaired;
Colonoscopy and polyp removal June;
Carpal tunnel ops in both hands Aug;
and then
Well, it seems I'm not just a Big Wuss afterall. ;):)
I have more injuries from tripping over a bloody trailer A-frame 3 weeks ago than most of my 100 + kph crashes over the years.:(
Got CT scanned yesterday, 3 upper ribs and a couple of sternum issues I think.
Back for Dr Appt Weds.


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Hopefully you've had all your misfortune in one condensed period and after you've got sorted this time, you'll be fine for another ten, at least.
Busted ribs are the worst. Ouch! Try to slow down in '24.
Slow down....I wasn't even moving at walking pace! ;) :oops:

Absolute bugger of a day 18 Dec was here, stinking hot and as I was returning from my storage, trailer tire blew, but the different wheel nuts to Dad's sedan's stock jack kit and my cross-brace was at home. So, unhitch trailer on side of road, drive 15 mile home, returned, hitched up, changed tire, then bang.
I just overbalanced backwards and took a dive over the trailer A frame landing on the top of my chest on the rocky road verge. Took me about half an hour to recover and get over post trauma faints and shock before driving home via the tire shop.
Probably should have gone to the Dr earlier but I had 9x oxycontin 5mg I never used after the Carpal tunnel op. that lasted a couple of days before self treating with paracetamol and some steroid anti-inflammatory for 4-5 days but some pains got worse and 8 paracetamol a day limit wasn't working for me after a couple of weeks.
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