Memories of Harlistas in Puerto Rico

OK back on topic!
WWTF is a "fan feeler"?
...and back in my day (about 3 yrs ago ) we called then hero-blobs..I hope no one ever grows hero-blobs on their face

Can one still buy this things? Probably in the big truck stops along the freeway. My gramma had them on the side of her Impala. There was no parking cameras back then.

I want mine so I can pull on a knob and sparkle away and not with screws in the boots.

Me,,, be firm with these guys??? Naaahh They will retaliate.

Maybe we should start a rumor that magnesium on your boots makes a much better spark show than titanium and post it on all the HD boards we can find.


BTW: Best Deals on curb feeler. Up To 70% off!
I sparkle away when the Mrs pulls my knob !
On subject tho , if you drill the hero blobs with a 1/16 bit you can superglue a lighter flint in the hole and hey Presto , sparkles !