Memorial Day 5/24/24 COLORADO SPRINGS Dragonmans MEET UP

No no…. How many miles on the bike
Just rolled over 20k
I I changed out to the rotella t6 last night and I don't think that has anything to do with this. I've had 2nd gear long gone for a while now.
Just got to my destination and it's slipping bad in 5th. That might be the t6 but I've lost 3rd and 4th gear. I can 1st no problem and if I baby it and hold the shifter back I can use 2nd for a little bit and then bang shift through 3-4 and get into 5th. But it slips if I give it any more than 10% throttle.
I can make it home maybe lol!
An adventure for sure
Made it home. Some seriously sketchy sh!t for sure. By the time I got home (82 miles) it sounds like hundreds of parts of gear rattling around down there. I could hear it on the highway at 80mph with earplugs fully seated. When I got home and got down to 1st gear the back end locked up a few times. Ffs I thought I could pull the clutch in... Nope!
It's done.
Time to park it for a while till I can have it repaired properly.
Don't understand slipping in 5th, possible clutch problem or adjustment.
Don't understand slipping in 5th, possible clutch problem or adjustment.
might be the t6 i used. My guess is that there is some crap from the trans floating around in the oil that is now in the friction plates. IDK, it does not matter. The only things for her now is to pull the engine and rebuild the trans.