R3Tex said:
So we installed a diode on the blue wire such that the ground from the keyless unit couldnt backfeed the the cruise box.
Technically, it's actually the other way round - the MC Cruise is providing the 'ground' (not truly ground, just low enough impedance relative to my pull-up resistor) to trigger my Key-less. The diode blocks the current flow from my box to the MC Cruise, but still allows current flow from the MC Cruise to ground via the switch when it is closed.
Might you specify the diode part number and the polarity as installed in the circuit, please ?
Sorry - I had not realized you had the MC Cruise - as R3Tex says I realized the Ignition-on was setting immediately and had recalled when looking at the MC Cruise set-up that it too used the Clutch Switch as a Trigger;
there must be a low-impedance path inside the MC Cruise that takes the voltage to my KeyLess system low enough to trigger it without closing the actual clutch switch to ground
It's a pretty simple fix - you just have to install a diode on the blue wire to the MC Cruise
You can pick up a diode at Radio Shack
Just about any rectifier diode will do (1N4001, 1N4003 etc)
This is the one I typically use as general purpose
It has to go on the Blue Signal line between the actual clutch signal wire and the MC Cruise.
The only thing to be careful of is to ensure that the Cathode (end with the stripe) goes to the Orange/Black end and the Anode (non-stripe end) goes towards the MC Cruise.
You might ask "why do I have to modify the MC Cruise connection, rather than your Key-Less connection?" Well, the MC Cruise is the component that is providing the low impedance path and that is what needs to be blocked; putting the diode on the Key-Less would not work, it would not allow the path to the real ground via the switch, either (and if forward-biased it would not block the current path to the MC Cruise).
vanguard138 - a diode & instruction will be in your kit.