Someone in the Saturday group ride is either leaking raw fuel or running very rich. Check your machines. I've eliminated Eric, Mulley and Rainman as possibilities so you know who is left. The smell of raw fuel was very pronounced when I rode sweeper.
When I was in Keyser WV last week at a light, a Harley pulled up and commented on my bike, how it looked good and all, then commented on my weep hose at the bottom dripping gas. I had just filled up so I was not concerned, and I said, "it makes so much power on so little gas that it kicks out what it doesn't need." He just looked at me weird like, and the light turned green, and I disappeared!
I kept smelling it too -- thought it might be @mully95 but then began wondering if I was smelling my own exhaust. Mully and I have the same Power-Tripp/HansO tune, and Paul Bryant headers . . . in the end, I dunno.
Someone in the Saturday group ride is either leaking raw fuel or running very rich. Check your machines. I've eliminated Eric, Mulley and Rainman as possibilities so you know who is left. The smell of raw fuel was very pronounced when I rode sweeper.

Laurel's bike came up with some issue that I will have to cypher out. If you fill it all the way up like we did at the store on 16 that day then let it heat soak. (hot sun, hot engine) it starts pushing fuel out of the over flow. Vent line, gas cap or something. Is that where you started noticing it, and did it taper off as the ride progressed?

Might have also been that gas can that I was carrying. I guess that it might have been my exhaust. I did have it mapped on the dyno the Saturday before, but The dyno man took a good amount of fuel out of the map and I am getting 3 to nearly 8 more MPG. ( depending on the riding conditions. 3 on the slab, 8 if you are in the 45 to 55 mph range)