looks like the general consensus was meet here at mayberry campground at 10:00 am; ride some; figure out where the folks coming into town today are; ride some; figure out the saturday plan; ride some....
Mully, did you fart ? Something smells wrong here. We're about 11 miles South of Mayberry on 77. Headed to Hillsville, then in to Mayberry. You'll know us when u see us.
Blaine,Boog and company are at the Surrey Inn. Blaine found the issue with Boogs bike. Number 1 throttle body was floating in mid air. Major tear down on the trail in progress at both ends of the parking lot.

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We is here. Hillsville. We're going down 52 into Mayberry. Let us know where you triples congregate.
We is here. Hillsville. We're going down 52 into Mayberry. Let us know where you triples congregate.
Are you guys still at your hotel? Blaine just got my bike together again and we can come up there or meet you in Mayberry. It's about lunch time.