After 9/11 and 4/15 I also was bitter, but I was bitter that these acts would slowly and surely take our rights away as a free society! To me, you have to accept a certain risk to live in a free society. The government will take away your rights one at a time until you have nothing left. To me the terrorist and nut jobs have won! We have lost a lot of our rights and we are no safer from attack than before.
The world we live in....a major full scale response to a multiple shots fired incident near a school took place here in States today. Swat teams , lock downs etc etc...
IT TURNED OUT TO BE YOUNG KIDS POPPING BALLOONS...It would be funny if not so sad!
The world we live in....a major full scale response to a multiple shots fired incident near a school took place here in States today. Swat teams , lock downs etc etc...
IT TURNED OUT TO BE YOUNG KIDS POPPING BALLOONS...It would be funny if not so sad!
I'm glad to see they're taking this seriously.The mass murder of Christians by Muslims appear to be accepted by the liberal media but when 50 Muslims are killed in Christchurch,the whole world apologizes. What is wrong with this picture ? Total hypocrisy..
I'm glad to see they're taking this seriously.The mass murder of Christians by Muslims appear to be accepted by the liberal media but when 50 Muslims are killed in Christchurch,the whole world apologizes. What is wrong with this picture ? Total hypocrisy..
I don't give a **** what the victim's religions were and do not think keeping score in that regard helps, if anything it drives revenge killings further.
We are crying and grieving for the loss of these people and the pain of their families...regardless of their Religion. The insanity of it all has hit this country very hard....
Im sure other families thru-out the world have felt the same pain and anger...regardless of their religon when they too lose family members and's all very's all very sad.
Religion is just an excuse. Always has been, and will remain so.
Christians have been particularly adept at using the excuse for years. Ask the Maori's or pretty much any native people.
Faith and belief is NOT religion. I am vehemently anti-religion. But will defend a persons right to faith or beliefs.
I hear your pain however an eye for eye just means we all become blind. Hold that anger Bro. Revenge killings are not right either. Let the judiciary take its rightful course.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you guys over there . This madman has set a new precedent .
I have been working late and on the day knew nothing of the events , someone I know sent me a video , I started watching and honestly thought it was advertising a new video game or a spoof video . Unimpressed I turned it off and continued working . On arriving home later that evening , Taya told me what had happened and it all became very relevant. Millions of people must have watched that , both the vulnerable and the wicked . The internet is indeed a double edged sword . Humanity has become so desensitized, it's terrifying to look to the future . I am so glad you guys are safe and well !
This ball is rolling . No amount of laws or legistration or politicians can alter the course of what will be . This world we all live in is owned by the devil .
For now !