's = plural

lol :p

It's one of those user abbreviations from website rats like us anyway ... if you walk into the typical dealer and ask for a set of TOR's for your R3 they will look at you like they don't speak English. A real Triumph dealer will get it, but one like mine doesn't even know what an R3 is unless you use the full name ... Rocket Three.

Should have started taking my bike to a different dealer for service after the first time I said "Hi, I have my R3 here for service." and the douche asked "what's that?". :rolleyes:
The Triumph web site calls them "mufflers". Can you have one TORS (Triumph Off Road Silencer)?
The Triumph web site calls them "mufflers". Can you have one TORS (Triumph Off Road Silencer)?
Zactly ... just Triumph Off Road, T.O.R. hence TOR's.

Sessame Street was brought to you today by the letters T ... O ... and our good friend R.
And by the number ... 3.

GGRRRR Animal want a COOKIE!!! :rolleyes:
Hey guys. I currently have the TORS on my bike with the cat box. I have a PCIII ready to install. I was wondering if anyone had a good map for this setup. Stock filter. . . .

Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but I just had my 2008 R3T (I have the TORS pipes) in for it's 30K and one of the things they did is upgrade the OEM map to 020366 (they said that the old map came back "not in database", so they installed the upgrade).

From OEM_Tune_list That OEM map replaces the 020258 map.

Both maps are for Rocket III Touring with TORS.

Does anyone know what that upgrade did? I only rode it the 22mi home from the dealer but I didn't notice anything yet.

Zactly ... just Triumph Off Road, T.O.R. hence TOR's.

Sessame Street was brought to you today by the letters T ... O ... and our good friend R.
And by the number ... 3.

GGRRRR Animal want a COOKIE!!! :rolleyes:

Hellfire, it's "Cookie Monster want cookie!!" and "Animal want WOMAN!!!":D