
Just looked and I have the same thing. Not concerned.
I'm more concerned with the mismatched casing color. Why, why, why can't they manufacture both pieces in the same plant? And what's up with that white dot, did the white-out get loose? And that tiny patch to the left of the white dot near the vertical case bolt along the seam, is that a leak or corrosion? This bike will NEVER be in my garage with workmanship like this. In fact, I'm selling all my triumph bikes and gear, the lot will be on craigslist shortly. I have to go wash my eyes out now. Thanks guys!

So disappointed.

Just to be clear, I'm only poking fun, no offense intended.
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Yeh I hear ya. My TFC looks like total crap with two dots on the manifold. I’m going up the Dragon today and pushing it off the cliff edge.

The clutch and transmission alone make this bike worth the money. I mean wow this thing is slicker-n-melted butter.
I am at the dealer now and all three bikes below have the same discolored mark. In order they are: GT, R, AND TFC.
as long as there is nothing serious behind...I guess the pleasure provided by the R3 should help to bear this problem
I think it may be because it's in a tough location to buff out, why they left it.
I've looked again the pictures I've taken of the R that I have tested at the dealer and guess what I've found...:

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This one back in December at the dealer' never rode since it was sold and waiting for the customer to come and pick it up and we can also see the 2 spots, so I "guess" it should be rather normal, shouldn't it ? : (I'll ask my dealer next week about it anyway)

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