Making a Rocket look like this...

@mattmillme where did you go Matt? What's the update? Rocket? or...
I think his mom took away his internet connection but his bike build is underway:

@Lostride You are a cruel bloke! I totally got excited when I saw that kit but it is not available according to the Amazon site!!! I'm almost in tears...
Don't worry about getting piled onto Matt...sometimes its just the right of passage on this site. If you have a thick skin and come back, your one of us. Mod your bike any way you want to, its yours. BUT, this IS the site where you want to gather technical and mechanical information, there is a lot of very skilled captains in this group who are always willing to share ideas, and will probably use yours to make some of there own mods. Right now you are asking how long a piece of string is. Probably best to start breaking down the mods you want to do, and getting advice and prices that way, then sum up your totals plus your screw up percentages. IMHO, good luck, look forward to seeing your journey and completed project.

It is what it is, I expected nothing less lol. My thoughts and your pretty much line up exactly. I'm not very good at judging length according to most umm... people hahaha. Thank you though.

No ill will here, Matt, but as the aforementioned owner of two VTX 1800s (both heavily customized) I cannot square your comments regarding the comparative attributes between it and the monster Triumph. For me, it's a no-brainer because the two platforms are as different from one another as pig and a pomegranate.:confused:

The way I see it the X has the baddest twin for street use, the R3 has the baddest i3 for the street, and one of the baddest engines overall. Both bikes can make more power than what many people know what to do with. Both are amazing bikes.

@mattmillme where did you go Matt? What's the update? Rocket? or...

I don't plan on getting a bike until this winter rolls around, when it's a buyers market. I was just busy for a couple days.

I think his mom took away his internet connection but his bike build is underway:


How'd you know!?! Are you the man she's seeing that got me that? lol
@Lostride You are a cruel bloke! I totally got excited when I saw that kit but it is not available according to the Amazon site!!! I'm almost in tears...
The smaller one in picture below was from one of that brand kits cost me $15 eBay some time ago .... excuse the dust:oops:
The way I see it the X has the baddest twin for street use, the R3 has the baddest i3 for the street, and one of the baddest engines overall. Both bikes can make more power than what many people know what to do with. Both are amazing bikes.

Afraid I have to call BS on the VTX being the baddest V-Twin.
I have owned a V2K 2053cc V-Twinsince 2004 that stock for stock will kick ass on a VTX 1800cc and has many times! :eek: :D
Perhaps consider being a tad more careful with the hyperbole.
Afraid I have to call BS on the VTX being the baddest V-Twin.
I have owned a V2K 2053cc V-Twinsince 2004 that stock for stock will kick ass on a VTX 1800cc and has many times! :eek: :D
Perhaps consider being a tad more careful with the hyperbole.
The M109 will outrun both of them, and look better doing it too. :cool:
Haven't I told you a million times to stop exaggerating??? :rolleyes:
I had a 109 Boulevard from new for just over 12 Months , It went fast straight to the Triumph dealer as a trade in ,actually they are a fast bike ,I just couldn't come to terms with the handling and the Clunky gearbox poor finish of the chrome ,also they would have to be the worst sounding V Twin ever made, I have never lost so much money flipping a near new bike in all my life resale is shiet :eek::eek::(:(:(
I had a 109 Boulevard from new for just over 12 Months , It went fast straight to the Triumph dealer as a trade in ,actually they are a fast bike ,I just couldn't come to terms with the handling and the Clunky gearbox poor finish of the chrome ,also they would have to be the worst sounding V Twin ever made, I have never lost so much money flipping a near new bike in all my life resale is shiet :eek::eek::(:(:(
Had some Nob riding one of these on the way home yesterday trying to impress me with his loud after market exhaust , i showed him how well a 340 kg triple can be thrown around through peak hour traffic on the M1 , he became a blip in my Triumph oblong mirrors......