Maggie valley June 2019

No worries, and I can see where I came off a bit harsh in my reply. My apologies.

I will give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but respect must be earned. But the cynic in me must admit that respect is much easier lost than earned.
I just want to include myself and what I had back in the mid 70's... a teething ring. Ya'll old farts!
WEll, you may remember crank handles on tractors, cars and bulldozers then?!!
If you got a kick back off one of those suckers there were a number of hazards awaiting you!...You soon learned to not put your thumb over the crank handle...or get your chin too low, for if she fired back at was gonna hurt bigtime!!...unless there was a pretty girl watching in which case you hid the pain and carried on as if it was normal!!

I WANT to be that guy!!!

Please ship that sucker to WA State, with soap and send me the bill?!?!?!
Lol. I'm trying to figure out where to put my cane holder on the Vision. I have a very nice hand made custom wooden one made for me by a friend but afraid it would get water damage (Rainman) and that wouldn't be good. Mountain walking stick might be in order. I'll see about the other part for ya.

Riding from Oklahoma to Tennessee in the driving rain non stop except for fuel and a Waffle House break.......silent respect between brothers.
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