Maggie valley June 2019

I read it somewhere, mine was a kicker. Thought that the 76 was electric. Broke my knee because of a cracked kicker, not a timing issue, just saying.

I always had kickers. They could be vicious if you weren't mindful of what might happen. I always made sure I didn't lock my knee. I had two 500cc singles with manual advances. It could be a sorry day if you forgot to retard the spark advance. Fun times!
Mine had a cracked kicker. One night it was cold, gonna start on the fifth kick. Laid into it and it broke, hyperextending right knee. Welded it back, test kicks, broke it again, 2nd hyperextension that night. My buddy said "you want me to weld that for ya Kid? Sure. Kicked it a dozen times, all good. Ready to leave work, she will fire on the seventh now, for I knew her well. I laid into hard, she broke, 3rd hyperextension of the evening. I just laid on the ground with big O'l alligator tears in my eyes. They push started me to get home. I limped for 6 months, had a surgery, limped for a year, had a second surgery, limped for ten years and then had it replaced. New technology, they didn't glue it in (knee), they let the bone grow into and around the steel part. Worst pain in all my surgeries. Moral of this story: Check your kicker for cracks
Wasn't there a race between a donkey and a Ferrari through Mexico City back then, which was won by the man on the donkey?

Fond, painfull memories!
I had several large singles, worst of which was a 57 AJS 600cc Typhoon. Was so hard to kick it had a compression release and if you didn't time it with your kick just right, the bastard would send you flying, or worse slip off your foot and bust your shin or ankle or both! Naturally I did all three, multiple times.