Ride is still on. Mom said if i cancel out she would be pissed. She is got 4 to 6 months due to lung cancer. We actually got in a slight heated conversation over this. Her only request was that i take her ashes via motorcycle to the Pacific ocean and drop them over a cliff in Venture California. Wish granted.
Ride is still on. Mom said if i cancel out she would be pissed. She is got 4 to 6 months due to lung cancer. We actually got in a slight heated conversation over this. Her only request was that i take her ashes via motorcycle to the Pacific ocean and drop them over a cliff in Venture California. Wish granted.
She is. Never had what you would call a son and mother relationship growing up. Same with dad. We went are ways back in 1975 when i joined the Marines at seventeen. We talked now and then but not real close to either one. Respect them both. We are a tough group of people. At times regret how i was raised and did not understand. Other times hold them in high honor. Taught me how to stand on my own two feet and take it and keep on walking. What she preached is how she is. One tough lady and not afraid of ShI5.
I noticed the same thing on my way up to Stearns on 40 east, I set my cruise control on 67 and the only time I got in the left lane was to pass somebody
I noticed the same thing on my way up to Stearns on 40 east, I set my cruise control on 67 and the only time I got in the left lane was to pass somebody