Maggie valley June 2019

Too far away time-wise to confirm, but it would sure be awesome to go. Was up there last month with my Brother and the Blue Ridge Parkway was spectacular! I can only imagine the music of a herd of Rockets through those tunnels!
There were about 50 Rockets a few feet from that spot a few years back
Too far away time-wise to confirm, but it would sure be awesome to go. Was up there last month with my Brother and the Blue Ridge Parkway was spectacular! I can only imagine the music of a herd of Rockets through those tunnels!
Ah, a rose between two thorns.

Too far away time-wise to confirm, but it would sure be awesome to go. Was up there last month with my Brother and the Blue Ridge Parkway was spectacular! I can only imagine the music of a herd of Rockets through those tunnels!
Start planing now and make sure that Harley comes, for we need somebody to run for parts
It took about a week for me to get through this thread and if I were some federal official, there would be some individuals looked at for animal husbandry abuse! Wanting Scot in Exile's goat (which I thought was a sheep) for unbecoming acts of a lewd nature reminds me of just how unsavory this group really is. After all, I befriended his goat with his permission years ago. If it is the same one, she must be very loose by now and can't command the princely price she once did. So if I were to show up at this shindig I would expect a new goat/Sheep!
It is the son of the goat you knew, and his father told him stories about a guy towing a very large motorcycle on a small trailer pulled by a mid 80s gray Ford Tempo, the young goat thinks that is just an urban legend