Maggie valley June 2019

I'll be there at the Maggie valley run. No if and or buts. Looking forward to the ride in. Looking forward to meeting everybody. Looking forward to the ride back. By the way you owe me a few beers.
I'll be there at the Maggie valley run. No if and or buts. Looking forward to the ride in. Looking forward to meeting everybody. Looking forward to the ride back. By the way you owe me a few beers.
Explain the debt did I loose a bet?
Nice offer there mate but if he prefers a smoother more refined ride I’ve got a few of the new Indians he could ride.
The R3R is a thrill but they just don’t ride like a RM.
No bet I thought i sent you the black side rails off of the X. at no cost. Could be confused
Oh chit I do owe you big time. I forgot that was you. I’m confused your not.. they are on the bike and look great. I did have to cut them to accept the Racetech shocks but it turned out super. Drinks on me mate.
Your Indian can do 130 MPH plus? Unrefined and bad to the bone for a Harley Not very rider friendly or social acceptable. Fun to ride yes indeed. As fun to ride as the Rocket X not even. Offer made it is the best i can do.
Sandy can ride the Indian better and faster than most of us