Maggie valley June 2019

I'll ride the suicide shift. It's been 40 years since I've had that pleasure.

You might be on Glen. Been a long time since the old girl got to go to the mountains. Like I said it's a pretty busy ride. You'll be rowing that stick shift like a boat oar trying to stay in a gear that works in the tight stuff.
Tis probably more my style..but I don't want to tread on toes!

You guys and that darned goat!

You and Dave and Jim are going to be mighty disappointed after making what looks like about 9 hour climb up the cliff to get to where that thing is. AND THEN finding out that the darned thing is a BILLY.

Well on second thought Jim probably wouldn't be........

Maggie Valley has a goat you can ride also. That is if Dave don't mind you molesting her
I always share with my English brothers everyone knows the Scots and English love each other
Thank you Sonny, another truly generous offer but I'm leaning towards the Goat at the moment
Just remember I get first jump, now anyone (especially the English) jumping on after a Scotsman will be like throwing a sausage up a close

If u talk to Dave very very nice he might let u ride his goat in mvb
Now I am letting out a few secrets here I have a list sent to me in secret with those who want my goat ,jay, Kid Warp ,ski, Jim Mully, Fred even wendy have all shown an interest but I promised them I would not tell anyone, I did offer the goat to Glen but he refused unless he could cook it.
Cooked ones tell no tales.
Nice offer there mate but if he prefers a smoother more refined ride I’ve got a few of the new Indians he could ride.
Your Indian can do 130 MPH plus? Unrefined and bad to the bone for a Harley Not very rider friendly or social acceptable. Fun to ride yes indeed. As fun to ride as the Rocket X not even. Offer made it is the best i can do.
Your Indian can do 130 MPH plus? Unrefined and bad to the bone for a Harley Not very rider friendly or social acceptable. Fun to ride yes indeed. As fun to ride as the Rocket X not even. Offer made it is the best i can do.
I’m just bustin at with Harley vs Indian thing. One of my Indians does have the 116 kit on it and puts out 110hp/ 130tq but it ain’t half a Rocket. I am close to MV at 125 miles and would offer a competent rider a bike if needed. Any body that regularly rides a Rocket is fully qualified.

Will be nice to meet you and was disappointed you missed the one in Stearns.